Sunday, June 5, 2016

Healthcare Provisions Up-and-Coming

Upon opening the Austin American Statesman I came across this article "AP FACT CHECK:Trumped-up charge on 'Obamacare' premiums."
This article analyzes the drastic premium increases said to be put into place in the fall.
This year 12.7 million signed up for Obamacare, and the Affordable Care Act doesn't have the financial means to account for them, therefore numerous requests are being sent in for bigger premium increases; their is a plan in progress now promoting raising rates by 60%. Because of these expenses, Trump is expected to gain significant backing, as the released dates for all the increases come out prior to the upcoming election and his plans are to get rid of Obamacare. I recommend reading this article because it provides important information about economic statistics as well as calls attention to provisions in healthcare that are relevant to a lot of people; affecting everyone's income status one way or another. It also provokes thought about what plans of action will fix these problems in the upcoming election.

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