Monday, June 20, 2016

Climate Change Takes Precedence

          In today's news you will often find sources exploding with headlines like; Which Political Candidate Should Be Our Next President? or What Scandals Have Erupted Among Politicians?, while other matters of significance that ought to be a priority among the national government takes the back seat. The main matter I'm referring to is Climate Change. Climate change directly affects the world we live in for the rest of our lives, pertaining to all the non renewal resources we survive on and preservation of the environment to avoid extinction. Climate change should take precedence in the national government because it affects everyone and all people can work together to make a difference before it too late to undo.
           As the U.S. and the world continues to industrialize and populate, resources are beginning to run low as people consume them and distribute waste back into the environment. For example, NASA uses extensive data to illustrate the extreme increase of pollutants like carbon dioxide and the effects it's having on heat of the atmosphere in an attempt to monitor climate change. With increasing levels of Carbon Dioxide,  the Earth continues to generate a thicker atmosphere that preserves heat, also known as Global Warming. Statistical data like those provided by scientific sources should come from our national government; if the government used power of media to exploit issues involving the physical surroundings of our world, people would be more likely to work together and work more proficiently to fix them. With climate change comes sea levels dropping, organisms dying, usable air reduction, over-industrialization, and lack of resources overall.
          Another significant effect on the national government promoting and fixing climate change is that wildlife, systems of niches within ecosystems, as well as diversity of life is maintained. For example, the National Wildlife Federation analyzes the impact climate change has on animals; showcasing the birthrate levels and evolution and extinction of species. Animals hold a profound place in our lives, and if, like predicted, precautions keep being neglected people will no longer see Arctic animals which will fluctuate the populations of other species and create resource strain; the same goes for plants.
          In conclusion, climate change is relevant to everyone, and that's not to say presidency is not important but there is only so much that can change in four years with someone in office, whereas four years of conservation of energy, lower pollution, preserving wildlife, restoring water sources and recycling can all greatly increase our supply in the United States and create a better future where everyone can have a sense of unity in that we all live on this world and we all need to take action to make a difference.


  1. Yes. I wholeheartedly agree with my classmate on the argument of working together to fix these climate changes from their article, "Climate Change Takes Precedence." After searching through classmate articles, either about Trump or gun-control, I was relieved to find something different, and over an issue, I too, am passionate about. She writes a well planned article with an intriguing opening statement about news we're all familiar with, adding the argument that climate control isn't in the front runner when it should be. She explains the direct effects with facts from a well respected group like NASA, to help people understand the actions taking place by the atmosphere trapping heat from too much carbon dioxide. If the state of the earth continues, it will begin to turn into the planet Venus---severe heat (hot enough to melt lead), clouded enough to black out the sun, rain acid. "COSMOS: A Spacetime Odyssey explores, Earth and Venus may not be as different as they seem. CO2, or carbon dioxide gas, smothers Venus in heat, creating a dense atmosphere that blocks the small amount of sunlight that reaches the planet’s surface from getting back out. The CO2 creates an inferno, a dramatic greenhouse effect that makes life on the planet impossible...As a result, CO2 builds up in the atmosphere and our Earth heats up. And while Venus is an extreme example of a planet overtaken by greenhouse gases, our planet is moving in that direction...The decisions made by future generations will dictate if – or when – Earth will meet that fate."

  2. The article titled “Climate Change Takes Precedence” by the author of a blog called Life and Liberty is a refreshing break from the slew of posts about Donald Trump and the GOP.
    The author starts off the article by stating the norm of the headlines seen on major news sites and points out that these headlines focus on short term problems that pale in comparison to the massive enduring issue that is the world’s response to, or lack thereof, climate change.
    The author mentions that industrialization and over-population are contributing factors toward the increase in C02 in the atmosphere and the resulting change in the earth’s climate, via the greenhouse effect. The important thing to note here about this article is that the author has provided sources from reputable websites to back up their claim. The author then goes on to suggest that the government should be more involved in the spread of information about climate change. The author goes on to suggest that if the government were to fully back up climate change and promote possible solutions, there would be a much larger chance that climate change could be reversed before its too late.
    The author concludes their article with a restatement of their point and succinct summation of their argument.
    I think this article is very strong in terms of its inclusion of actual sources (something my posts lack, whoops!) and in the logical reasoning surrounding that information. Good work!
