Thursday, June 23, 2016

Classmate Critique

          Going through the different blogs of my fellow classmates, among the various blogs on who should be the next president, I was glad to find someone who decided to take the opportunity to speak out about climate change like me. This is issue is one I am particularly passionate about and when reading The Texas Politics: Fighting Global Climate Change I was captivated with the respectable nature of the argument; stating the necessity for more government involvement to promote change that will have a long-lasting positive effect on the environment versus the downfall climate is experiencing due to humanity global warming. Additionally, The Texas Politics primarily uses dignified facts to establish credibility in his stance, and illustrations like graphs and photos to enhance visual appeal. 
          All the evidence of steps national government has taken in protecting the environment demonstrated significant insight on the topic and the writing has a powerful tone; engaging those who don't see the issue as the most pressing. I only wished the section speaking about necessity for education and what monumental changes need to occur had been more in depth. That being said I thoroughly enjoyed this article and definitely will use some of the methods I found effective in this blog post in my own blog. 

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