Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Stand Together Forever

Terrorism and tragedies seem to have a recurring presence in the news now-a-days, dominating all recent news headlines, but it's hazardous effect holds a root to global unity. This issue was addressed in "Unity in the Midst of Crisis" by The U.S. Scoop. The author makes significant points about the varying loyalty and support of other countries depending on their current circumstances and brings up an extremely thought provoking question: Why is the universal support temporary?

In this article, the author explicitly states several instances of disaster: the bombing in Paris, terrorist attacks in Belgium and shootings in Orlando, Florida; where these horrific events brought forth the humanity of people around the world and willingness to unite and send prayers to the areas suffering. One thing I found particularly interesting about this article was her sympathetic tone when expressing her own feelings and experience hearing the stories and I think that is what makes this article so effective. She uses factual statistics to illustrate the events, then gains credibility in building a support group for global unity and encouraging effort towards it by relating the necessity for change to humane characteristics like peace, security, and strength in numbers.

The only thing that I think would have aided her argument would have been ideas as to how the countries could unite outside of tragedies, like times of success. The Olympics would have been a great illustration of unity among countries competing and congratulating each other. Overall, I loved the pictures in this article and thought the argument was well written and motivating. The national government should definitely place more significance on the issue.